Blog Post RULES:

These are all the guidelines that are required of a designer joining the blog train. 
STORES are not allowed to participate in this train and store links are not permitted.

1. Palette & Planning start between the 20th of the previous month and the 1st of the month before.
2. Sign Ups will open on the 1st and a sign up form will be posted in the DCR @ DST. {A newsletter will be sent out with links and reminders}
3. Previews MUST be posted on the 28th of the month to ensure your spot in the train. - if you do not post your preview, you WILL NOT be included in the train!
4. A "Check In" thread will be posted on the 20th of the month, if you DO NOT check in with a preview posted prior to the 28th, you WILL NOT be included in the train!

Portion requirements:
--All contributions are to be in the form of one of the following:
-----A Mini Kit (3-4pp, 5-6 unique elements), 
-----A Full alpha (lower, caps & numbers) separated & in sheets
-----A Doodle pack: 10 items, all unique
-----A Template pack: 3-4 templates in PSD format

Blog Train Contribution RULES:
-DOWNLOADS must be active on your blog for FREE for 30days!!! 
-DO NOT put them in your shop until the following month!!!
-DO NOT use "pay with a tweet" for your freebie downloads"
-DO NOT use your Facebook "exclusive tabs" for your freebie downloads
-DO NOT put your contribution in your store. You MUST offer this on your designer BLOG.
{DO NOT use your store blog unless it is your PERSONAL STORE}

-Designers are NOT to have their CT members create their freebies.

-Blog contributions are to be the FIRST thing you post in your blog post, and title of post must include the MONTH & Blog Train. This is so your readers can easily access your contributions. What you include AFTER your contributions is totally up to you.

-Each preview MUST include the swatch/tag that is provided each month.

-DO NOT post the ENTIRE blog list in your post!!! I am constantly doing updates and it's not fair to your readers to be posting a list with inaccurate information.

**Failure to follow these EASY rules, will result in not being able to participate in the next blog train**

I understand we all have things come up in our lives. This is why we plan this train ONE month in advance. If you do not give proper notice (the 28th of the month) or you dont think you will make it on the 1st, LET ME KNOW!!!

YOU will NOT be able to participate in the next months train if you fail to give me notice of not participating in the previous train. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Several posts did not follow the rule:
    "-Blog contributions are to be the FIRST thing you post in your blog post, and title of post must include the MONTH & Blog Train. This is so your readers can easily access your contributions. What you include AFTER your contributions is totally up to you." and even had to dig through some sites to find it, or click on other pages?
