1. Lollipop Designs http://www.designsbyamandah.com
2. Jumbbumble http://jumbumble.blogspot.com/
3. Mad Genius Designs http://bothmadandgenius.blogspot.com/
4. Blue Heart Scraps http://blueheartscraps.com/
5. MagsGraphics http://magsgraphics.blogspot.com/
6. HunnyBee Design http://www.hunnybeedesign.com/
7. Sugar Kissed Designs http://www.sugarscraps.com
8. *removed From list*
9. Cassel http://creationcassel.com/blog
10. Truman Studio http://trumanstudio.com/blog
11. Let Me Scrapbook! http://LetMeScrapbook.blogspot.com
12. Monkey Mesh Designs http://monkeymeshdesigns.com/Blog
13. Ronda's Scrap Bits http://rjsscrapbits.blogspot.com/
14. Roseytoes Designs http://www.roseytoesdesigns.com/blog
15. Marie H designs http://mariehdesignsscrap.blogspot.com/
16. Trixie Scraps Designs http://blog.trixiescraps.com
17. Crafting Your Special Delivery Designs http://craftingatyourspecialdelivery.blogspot.com
18. *removed From list*
19. Ocean Wide Designs http://www.oceanwidedesigns.com
20. Mandy King http://mybagofscraps.com
21. Darlene Designs http://darlenedesigns.blogspot.com
22. Sherwood Studio Digital Designs http://julieitis.blogspot.com
23. Dana's Footprint Designs http://danasfootprintdesigns.blogspot.com/
24. *Removed From List*
25. WendyBird Designs http://wendybirddesigns.blogspot.com
26. BZB Designs http://bzb-designs.com/blog/
27. Ellie Lash Designs http://ellielash.com/blog
28. Studio 68 http://sixtyeight.wordpress.com/
29. Digilicious Designs http://digilicious.typepad.com/digi_licious_designs/
30. A-liya http://a-liya.blogspot.com/
31. AW Design http://nurmiscrap.blogspot.com/
32. Scraps by Mara http://scrapsbymara.blogspot.com/
33. Simply Kelly Designs http://simplykellydesigns.com/blog
34. Feli Designs http://feli-scrapblog.blogspot.com
35. Amanda & Millie Designs http://sewretrosoyou.com
36. Jellebelleke's Designs http://jellebelleke.blogspot.com/
37. *Removed From List*
38. Digital Creations from Millstream Cottage http://digitalcreationsfrommillstreamcottage.blogspot.com
39. Digi Deborah's Designs http://digideborahsdesigns.blogspot.com/
40. jusme digital http://jusmedigital.com/jusmeblog
41. SugarBeans http://www.sugarbeansdesign.blogspot.com
42. Eyeinspire http://eyeinspire.com
43. Shel Belle Scraps http://shelbellescraps.blogspot.com
44. Snips and Snails Designs http://www.snipsandsnailsscraps.blogspot.com
45. Lacey Bittner Designs http://www.laceybittner.blogspot.com
46. *Removed From List*
47. *removed From list*
48. Kooky Cat Designs http://www.kookycatdesigns.blogspot.com/
49. Wishing Well Creations http://www.wishingwellcreations.com
50. 3 Lil Monsters Designs http://3lilmonsters.com
51. *Removed From List*
52. Kathy Winters Designs http://wordartfun.blogspot.com
53. Sugar Moon Designs http://www.scrappingartistry.com
54. Pardon the Mess http://pardonthemess.com
55. *Removed From List*
56. Word Art World by Jennifer http://wordartworld.blogspot.com
57. HotFlashDesigns http://www.p-u-s-h.typepad.com
58. Jen C Designs http://www.jen-c-designs.com/blog
59. Cabana Girl Designs http://cabanagirldesigns.com/blog
60. JanetB Designs http://janetb-designs.blogspot.com/
61. Luv Ewe Designs http://www.luvewedesigns.com
62. Digital Harmony Design Studio http://digitalharmony-dhds.squarespace.com/
63. Creative Intentionz http://creativeintentionz.blogspot.com/
64. Scrappin Wright http://scrappinwright.blogspot.com/
65. Miki Designs http://mikkidesigns.blogspot.com/
66. Barbara Speck Designs http://www.barbspeck.blogspot.com
67. MaitriScraps http://www.maitriscraps.blogspot.com
68. Snuggle Berry Pie Designs http://snuggleberrypie.blogspot.com
69. In The Small Things http://inthesmallthings-scraps.blogspot.com
70. Jensen Motley Crew Designs http://jensenmotleycrewdesigns.blogspot.com
71. Tracie Stroud Designs http://www.traciestrouddesigns.com/blog/
72. digidesigned byWilma http://digidesignedbywilma.typepad.com/
73. ViolaMoni http://violamoni.blogspot.com
74. Keep in touch designs http://www.keepintouchdesigns.com
75. Ramona Memories http://dreamconnectionforum.blogspot.com
76. Louise Franks {Digiscrapping} Designs http://www.louisefranksdesigns.com/digiscrapping
77. Armina designs http://arminadesigns.com/blog
78. *Removed From List*
79. designs by krista http://designsbykrista.net/blog/
80. Designs by Angel http://scrappingwithangel.blogspot.com
81. Mommyish http://www.mommyish.net
82. DigitalGator Designs http://www.digitalgator.blogspot.com
83. Delicious Scraps http://DeliciousScraps.com
84. Digital Paper Press http://digitalpaperpress.com/wp
85. Kim Jensen http://kimetc.blogspot.com/
86. *Designer Removed From List*
87. The Urban Fairy http://www.theurbanfairymilana.com/blog
88. No Reimer Reason http://noreimerreason.com
89. Created by Jill Scraps http://createdbyjillscraps.blogspot.com/
90. My 4 Princesses Designs http://www.my4princessesdesigns.blogspot.com
91. MoonDesigns http://moon7x4.blogspot.com
92. Studio Q http://studioqscrap.com
93. MetaWulandariDesign http://MetaWulandariDesign.com
94. 5Star Digital Scrapbooking http://www.5stardigitalscrapbooking.com/featured
95. The Brown Owl http://brownowlscrapping.blogspot.com/
96. Willow Grace Designs http://willowgracedesigns.blogspot.com/
97. Mariscrap http://mimi-mariscrap.blogspot.com/
98. anelia.net http://www.anelia.net/blog/
99. Sunny Day Scraps http://www.sunnydayscraps.com
100. Jen Maddocks Designs http://jencropable.com/
101. Girl Boy Girl Designs http://girlboygirldesigns.com/wordpress
102. Bon Scrapatit Designs http://bonscrapatitdesigns.blogspot.com
103. Charm City Scraps http://charmcityscraps.wordpress.com
104. Digital ARTchives http://designs-by-colleen.blogspot.com/
105. Steadfast and Immovable http://steadfast-and-immovable.blogspot.com/
106. *removed From List*
107. Farynar's Wings http://farynarswings.blogspot.com/
108. *Removed From List*
109. Alejas Designs http://www.alejasdesigns.blogspot.com
110. Marisa Lerin http://www.pixelscrapper.com/
111. *Removed From List*
112. Aquarius Design http://aquariusscrapability.blogspot.com
113. Color With Caryn http://blog.colorwithcaryn.com
114. *Removed From List*
115. Kakleidesigns http://kakleidesigns.blogspot.com
116. Idgie's Heartsong http://scrappinidgie.blogspot.com/
117. StarSongStudio http://starsongstudio.blogspot.com
118. Rieka_Rafita http://riekarafita.blogspot.com/
119. Scrappamondo by Monica http://www.scrappamondo.blogspot.com/
120. Deli Scraps by Min http://www.deliscraps.blogspot.com/
121. Forget-Me-Nots by Theresa Lindamood http://forgetmenotsdesign.blogspot.com
122. Amanda Heimann Designs http://amandaheimanndesigns.com/blog
123. *removed From List*
124. *Removed From List*
125. *Removed From List*
126. Cari Lopez http://www.digiscrapsbycarilopez.blogspot.com/
Remember we are all on different time zones and it may take some designers longer than others to post their parts! This blog train contains FREE digital scrapbooking goodies so please keep that in mind.
Amazing part Ladies...congrats eveyrone!!!
ReplyDeleteToot, toot! Good morning lovely lady! Thank you for another AMAZING ride through Scrapland Trish and may you and your precious family enjoy this MOST wonderful time of the year! YAY for cooler weather ;)
Apologies to anyone who tried and failed to download mine at http://louisefranksdesigns.com/digiscrapping/. I was away from home when some technical problems became apparent and couldn't do anything about it. By the time I got home the problem seemed to have resolved itself! All is well now though so feel free to pop back and snag your kit :)
ReplyDeletethis has been a great ride. thank you so much, you are a true gift to all of us. ♥
ReplyDeleteThe link for #10 Truman Studio - http://trumanstudio/blog is wrong.
ReplyDeleteI got to if from http://trumanstudio.com/blog
Link #112 http://aquariusscrapability.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteAmazing collection. Thank you to all contributors.
ReplyDeleteDownload link for Monkey Mesh designs gets 404 not found error *and* impossible to leave comment at her blog because her spam blocker keeps telling you to go back & type in password -- which is already typed in....
ReplyDeleteOtherwise amazing job all you ladies have done! Thanks so much!
Thank you to everyone! I ordinarily post on each spot I download from, but i had shoulder surgery two weeks ago and am still not able to do much typing. So, for this month, I hope this single Thank you will be sufficient!
ReplyDeleteThank you to all the wonderful designers who took the time to make a piece of this blog train. :)
ReplyDeleteWow Jess, you did an awesome job putting this all together and thanks also to the incredibly talented designers!
ReplyDeleteThank you all very much. I had a great time on the blog train and discovered some wonderful new designers (new to me that is).
ReplyDeleteSeveral changes have been made to broken links etc.. so hopefully everything is fixed now :)
ReplyDeleteBeautiful work everyone!
ReplyDeleteI have to say that I prefer an overarching theme for these collabs. I have everything from under the sea to love, to coffee and although everything is awesome I definitely prefer a unifying theme.
Loved the colours in this train. Sorry to say I was unable to spend the time thanking each and every designer personally. As the train is so large even with missing out the ones which had nothing up or I did not think i could use it has taken me over one and half hours to download everything - and now it all needs unzipping etc. I really want to be able to let all of the designers know they are appreciated but can not add (at a guess) an extra half hour on to that time - think my husband would not appreciate coming home to find that nothing had been done and my son definately would not like to be left at school ! Is it possible to create a page which is for ALL of the desingers to go and see peoples thanks ??? Thereby saving people feeling guilty about not being able to thank everyone individually and also making the desingers feel loved - as they should be for all their hard work.
ReplyDeleteThanks for putting this together. I have found some wonderful designers by following this train.
ReplyDeleteFor some reason, I cannot access digilicious design's site. It refuses to load.
ReplyDeletethank you very much
ReplyDeletewow cool. they have the best designs when it comes to model trains. just what i need cause im creating my own layout now.
ReplyDeleteThis is one wonderful work of art.You must have give so much time to dedicated this passion on those habit.It is always good to know that their are blogs so dedicated to providing information that is seriously concerned with the reader’s needs.Thanks for sharing your insights with us through your blog.
ReplyDeleteThankyou to all who posted their Awesome work for us to download .. I Love them all .. there was a few i could not find so if anyone else did please let me know how .. # 51 55 78 84 111 114 123 125 thanks .. xx
ReplyDeleteStill cant access digilicious design's website for some reason and couldn't find misty cato's portion.
ReplyDeleteAnother update has been made to links and removing designers. Just so the public knows, we have a 3 step check process for designers participating in this train. If they do not have their portions up within 1 to 3 days of the train going live, then they have deliberately signed up followed all the steps required and failed to provide a portion. I am sorry for this, but when it comes down to it I have NO control over what the designers do in the end.
ReplyDeleteLeaving thanks to the designers on FB and here on this blog for all the designers is more than enough thanks than a lot get already. We all appreciate the time it takes to download and file away each designers part or the parts you have chosen to download.
As for those wanting a specific theme, it is something that I have addressed and wanted to give the designers a little freedom in choosing what they could design etc... I'm already gathering ideas for December!
Thanks to all these talented designers for sharing their creations with us for free.
ReplyDeleteI was blown away by the fabulous of all the kits this month. I was prepared to only download the ones that really caught my eye as I'm running out of hard drive space. I think I downloaded everyone. Thank you to everyone if I wasn't able to leave you a comment on your blog.
ReplyDeleteI really want to thank all the designers but especially appreciate those who leave up their links for extra time. It's really difficult to get to everyone's site on a slower net. I've tried to leave love on everyone's blog but I may have missed out on a few and a few I haven't gotten to yet. So thank you so much!
ReplyDeletecongrats everyone!!!!!